tunes from crasher anyone else find it strange that dj's played the same songs like dj snowman, arome, the shrink - but these aint particulary new tunes are they so i thought it was wierd how everyone played em!!tunes like warrior which every played are expected cos they quite new aint they!!was disappointed to only hear liguna once too!! also-did anyone else think they heard the flutlicht mix of ian van dahl but a dubbed version??mmm...
i heard ian van dahl! it was very similar to the flutlich mix, but like u said, no words?! maybe he just played the start of it, i dont think he played the whole song, did he? Sandstorm rocked! i though talla played a class set, even tho he slowed it down a bit from the others. what i can remember - autumn tactics TROY rapid eye sandstorm magic impulse then they start to dance silver bath heaven diving pocket damage dreaming of u tic toc lost in a dream new warrior one about 99 times jan johnson - i am on pause a few times more too...ill think of them.............. aint was the original mix too, so it wasnt hard at all.... spacefrog - follow me (mr bishi mix i think) - got played too...
Not hard? Christ! This is one of the tunes from the second disc of the Slinky:Japan CD that I could actually listen to. After 'Café Del Marco' it got far too hard for me :spangled:
ahhhh....the mix on that CD is REALLY hard, they all are. all the tunes on the second cd are on like +8, and really hard mixes. check out the RE mix, or the original, they arent hard, just trancy. Andy - did u get the RE mix? i cant find it! where did u get it from?
nar, iv got the free radicals mix and pedro del mar or summin. free radicals is well good. not heard the RE mix tho, is it good?
Sandstorm... was it the Talla Superclub Mix... Its a class mix... U dont know its sandstorm until it kicks in!
ive got the re mix but it was only kicking about a few months ago and dont think its around anymore!!
DJ's dont have any choice but to play loads of old tunes in their sets as TRANCE IS SHITE at the moment. Hardly any good tunes around. A lot of people have been complaining about how cheesy crasher was on Sunday.......
hahaha was amazing when guy played fire wire!!! and frankie goes to hollywood amazing!!! welldone sir guy!! tunes i member hearing sholan - can u feel it human evoltuion - human evolution Darish - ira riva - time is the healer Armin - Sunburn Ransom - my dance ferry corsten mix KaZE - no rUles sNAP v plaything - see the light!! thats all my lil heed can member!! although cant member armins set or bondys so did well me finx!!
Has it indeed? Maybe for those ‘Top DJ’s’ who do not have the time, or intelligence to LOOK for good music, then perhaps, for them, trance has been crap. Most of the 'Top DJ's' play commercial tracks due to A: being scared of not getting a whooping response from the crowd whilst playing a new tune, and B: incentives from labels to compile the said tracks on their mix CD's which are then sold in the shops. This is why ‘Top DJ’s’ ‘The Best Hard Trance House Dance Club Rocking Disco Romper Go Mental VOl: 34’ always have at least 10 tracks which just don’t seem to fit with the theme of the CD. This is because they get a nice little fee for playing the track in their live sets and featuring it on their mixed CD’s. This is why most of the 'Top DJ's' seem to play the same tracks. Quite sad really, as eventually, clubbers will only respond to the most commercial of tracks, because they rarely hear any new tracks. Whoo hoo! Didn’t DJ Top Bloke play all of our favourites from 1989, but wasn’t it wicked how he used the flanger to hide all the dodgy mixing. Wow, I think I will draw his name on my body in homage because I have a brain the size of a peanut. Now thats progress people! Think about it, just for a second. Lee!
You've deffo got a point like lee. Most of the mix compliations u buy do have a shit load of tracks on them which dont really fit in! Being listening to your new zenith cd and have 2 say this cd is one of the best ive ever heard. It has sum really good trance on it most of it which i had never heard before and it is mixed together really well. I'd much rather have more cd's like this than the compliations cd's which come out now!
when was autumn tactics played? it better not have been on when i was outside at the end otherwise i'll be gutted