Trance Singing Following the recent argument about singing in tunes I thought Id ask everyones opinion on high pitched signing with unrecognisable lyrics over the top of trance tunes (e.g Hemstock & Jennings - Crimson Soil/Mirage, Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun) I think it sounds quality if done properly and IMO totally makes the above three mentioned tunes as good as they undoubtabely are *crosses fingers and hopes its not just me who cant make out the words*
Yeah, i love high pitched singing in all types of dance music, especially drum and bass and hard trance. Sounds fookin class!! One of the best examples I can think of Signum - Coming on Strong! Brilliant (I'm dancing round me living room rite now listenin 2 it!!)
It has to be done!! The parents are asleep and so the dancing commences! Got me headphones on but dancing is taking place and i look incredibly stupid - it's great!!
all the tunes mentioned above are probably as good as they are cos of the singing! crimson soil just wouldnt be the same wifout the tear jerking vocal and coming on strong is most definetly mint cos of the vocal!!! the new solarstone tune- speak in sympathy has a very nice vocal in it... likes vocals
I dont think you can just say high pitched and unrecognisable makes a good vocal. IMO a good vocal is a good vocal and can be in many different forms. All of the above do have great vocals. I also love a lot of tunes with the really deep booming vocals and many other tpes as well. Agreed that a good vocal can really make a tune. How about David Byrnes excellent vocals on Lazy recently. Another for me from last year was Rapture which just made my jaw drop when i first heard it in Promise - stunning vocals on that.