Trance classics nite!! Hope to see everyone at Promise for this excellent nite, if Gatecrasher Red and Black is anything to go by then it is sure to be a winner! It is about time we remembered the tunes that started it all off, the people we met, the after parties we went to etc. It's amazing how many memeories these records bring back!!!Can't wait, especially as it will cheer us up after New Year, normally the week when everyone stays in to recover!Make the effort, and thanks to Promise for making it free entry to members, (although we deserve it).....
Meet Perla "Gives Head" Glady. Shes the gril all the boys who havent met want to meet. A legend in her own mini skirt.
Hey Talon, I know who you are so less of the insults!!!!!!!!And it was not a mini skirt!!!!!!See you all tonite!!!!!
sorry jonnyboy, can't think!but will no doubt see you at a promise very soon!!!shindigging it tonite for roger sanchez tho!!!!wooohooooo!!
np...only said hi @ Crasher i was quite late on we were both probably worse for ware like