Train fairs? does any1 actually pay for train fairs cos i used to get a ticket at the station and then ill hav it, but ive reverted to the 'get on train and hope theres no ticketperson there'. Does any1 know if u can get a return tkt on a train? is it more expensive?
ive blagged all the way up and down the u.k for just the price of a ticket to durham you may have noticed that a ticket inspector doesnt check every single ticket every single the trick is to get a ticket on the platform to durham...or the next nearest stop, the inspector will check your ticket then next time he comes round, if u just look out of the window looking bored, he will remember that he has checked u b4....he aint gonna remember where your ticket was too only problem is if u get off at liverpool and they ask to see your ticket to get off the platform....but there is always another way out!!!! its worked for me for years
I wish!!! I would love to try and blag it from Edinburgh but there is always some1 who comes along just after Berwick and asks for tickets. It doesnt matter if ur asleep he still wakes u up... And u cant hide in the toilets. Maybe its just cos i look dodgy
The easier trick is to dress full cyber and fall asleep but make sure your dribbling and snoring and stuff... the conductor is usually to scared to ask or wake you.... this is how I sued to always get back from birmingham.... Unfortunatly egtting down is harder cos as helz says most big stations have ticket gates.
I got on the train bak up to the toon and the ticketconductor guy person thingy asked me for my tiket. i had 1 cos i bought it at the station. but afetr we passed darlington he bloody asked to see it again, i was well annoyed cos i was happily listening to a bit of tidyvision! bastard!