toys ive just had the best idea, when i get home im getting the paddling pool out, just for ellie...yeah right! kids toys are class, i just cut all the barbies hair off the other day, i remembered how fun it was when i done it!!!! plus elliek thought it was funny too! killed two birds with one stone!!!! what was your favourite toy when you were a bairn?? or what game???
total class game that! and operation!! omg how frustrating!!!! :spangled: try playing that when wrecked! and popples, them teddy's you could turn inside out and they'd be a different one!! class, but my favourite was GEM dolls!! they were fab!! she was "truely outragious!"
yeah kids stuff is class, iv got a 6 yr old sista, i was just sayin how good it was the otha day 2 1of my mates. kids food...i was so impressd the otha day wen i made waffles and beans for our dinner easily pleased haha
elliekate loves them like! and them mini pizza's you get and ya can put what ever you liked on them!!! aaahhh!