Today Well whats everyone upto today then?? I'm goin fucking fishing this morn , hopefully on the way I'll find some swedish dogging meeting points, I'm back on wednesday so hopefully when the ££ comes in I'll be able to go to Promise
I'm not doing much....mooching about, then at 7 I'm getting the train to Newcastle and then at 10:30 I'm flying to IBIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
off to play snooker at 12,,then ive gotta spend an afternoon on me car coz she needs some TLC,,then get wrecked as you like
I'm going to the trafford centre, although I spent to much yesterday in manchester so I can't really buy anything I probably will though. Then for a meal tonight, then off into town to get pissed.
today im doing notihng been to the gym and sunbed already that was the highlight starting to read the 3rd harry potter book for sumat to do