Third leading cause of death in USA is........ Doctors! Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year ALL THESE ARE DEATHS PER YEAR: 12,000 -----unnecessary surgery 8 7,000 -----medication errors in hospitals 9 20,000 ----other errors in hospitals 10 80,000 ----infections in hospitals 10 106,000 ---non-error, negative effects of drugs 2 These total to 250,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes
not really surprising. with the level of intelligence and grasp of common sense in the states i wouldnt be too confident or comfortable with an american shoe polisher nevermind an american doctor!! its like what was the number 1 killer of british troops in the first gulf conflict?.....Americans!
there is a fair few horror stories ive heard through private healthcare too mind you not saying it doesn't have it's benefits would be good if you could opt out the nhs and get private health care, but it's a right arse still paying for nhs if u get private health care
It's actually called tax - National Insurance contributions do not go to healthcare, they go to benefits. :lecture:
point is tho it is a) taken more from those who can afford to pay more, due to progressive income tax rates, and b) equally borne by all society, where as for a lot of stuff in the US you have to pay individually for a lot of treatments. This naturally puts ability to pay in the quality of healthcare equation, which I think is fundmentally wrong. Harry