The Very Best of "Geordieisms" Me and Nass were discussing this the other week, but i never got round to it. However i have now set aside half an hour to dig out the very best one-liners from our very own "cock-eyed mess" John. Forget Strachanisms, (or if u want to remember, then ), but like i say forget that, i now bring you 'Geordieisms'. Heres some of Johns excellent efforts. “GEORDIEISMS”… -------------------- On a Hardwick warm-up “If Hardwick had ended like that, I think someone would of had to wipe me fucking dry.” -------------------- On hearing about a PVD night at Cream @ Amnesia "Another rinsed Amnesia it seems. The answer machine message that he left me was fucking stupidly hard and fast, basically had Berlin written all over it! It was meant to be same old same old, Tiesto was meant to of been outstanding then dropped the pace, on comes Van Dyk and its fasten the seat belts and get looking for the bass line while wiping your eyes dry!" -------------------- On Allies 'Deepness' "You make out that your so underground you should be a mole!" -------------------- On there being 5 new Vandit releases "Wonder who got there finger ooot in Berlin ?!?!" -------------------- On a Team Oakie Afters "I cant remem u Linzi to be fair, i can remem people being there n that but it was like a scene from Holby City in all fairness. " -------------------- On an upcoming night out to see ‘The Lord’ "Taking it easy this weekend as im off next fri & the following monday cos i am going to see the Berlin Bass Thief @ GK for 3hrs of the finest ping pong trance!" -------------------- On the bouncers at The Shack "They must of had blinkers on anyways cos some people were litterally having a meal off there face at some stages." -------------------- On the Turnmills Listings "Open till 7:30am too the gallerys. Id need a holdall and a stretcher afterwards..." -------------------- On . . . . . (dunno, just read this one and it sounded funny) "That bloke must snort coke though his eyes. He wants to get himself to fuckin Kwik-Fit to get his eyes straightened." -------------------- On a night of Good Chew “It wouldnt of suprised me if someone gave me a knife and fork for my face to help me on me way after the Dig! "Salt and vinegar too sir for your meal".” -------------------- There will be tons and tons more. I just had a little 30 minute search on a few key words. If you know of any more, feel free to add them. John :worship:
when dave and him were havin banter round ours the other week: "wi my teeth i could eat an apple through a letterbox"
:blush: Its just the banter really There's never a dull moment when im out with my mates so i dont see why when me best mates arent oot or summit people shouldnt be
'fuck off and die of aids you anti social bellend' somone who wouldn't come out of his bedroom when we visited their house because he was too busy having sex.
Cant believe i forgot the old 'labrador / white stick clasic' Couple of examples. On the fanny at Hed Kandi "Any lad that goes there and isnt at the amount of it is either a screaming Julian Clarey *which i have no problem with may i add before there's a kick off* or must get lead around the place by a labrador and a white stick." On New Years plans, last year. "Shindig for me! Possibly boat on New Years Day altho i guess after the dig and an afterparty i will need a labrador and a white stick!".
John had been a clubbing m8 of mine for longer than only one other friend, I could spend days telling stories of mashed up mayhem. Highlights include the expensave ornament incident (your forgiven m8) The Ephigene (sp) day of hell telling the cast of Hollyoaks to "FUCK OFF ****" the Diggers after party The Orbit and paranoia used to be such a quiet soul, now you can't get a word in Never argue with John, before you know it you family tend to be involved. Fingers crossed Cass will calm him down before he gets too big for his Old Glory boots
Nass> Very good with his mouth Jon> Sorry kid, I dont intend on changing John in anyway... He's my Gorgeous Geordie :blush: