The Partys Over The Police Force's Slogan for what they plan to do with Anti-Social Behaviour/binge Drinking. What are your Views? Do you think they are actually doing anything about it? Discuss...
Re: The Partys Over All depends on what they class as the `limits` Whats brought this on? Kick off in Mushroom last night?
Re: Re: The Partys Over naa we were fine! just when i finished, waiting for my taxi, heres 50 lads, students i presumed singing, shouting and chanting outside Pizzahut, standing on Wheely bins etc. Then he comes the riot van, and drives straight past them!
Re: Re: Re: The Partys Over so the police were doing their usual bang up job eh? never there when u need them but always haging around when you dont - wankers
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Partys Over its disgusting Mate, alot of people slumped in doorways, wandering out in the middle of the road flagging down taxis.
00_Sleezy works in a bar but dispises drunk ppl? has he choosen the right job??? pissed war zone citys are what makes Britain GREAT. Its societys way of saying FUCK YOU to the goverment/law. Why shouldnt we riot a couple of nights week? we get fucked inm the arse for every other day by Labour
I reckon the cops probably arrest a few early on on a Friday night, get them on the charge sheets, then sit back and congratulate themselves for the rest of a weekend on a job well done.
A political statement based on drink ! problem is there should be limits but people would still go over them the only thing we can do to stop arseholes being arseholes is identify them and place public banning orders on them ! the big market . newcastle in general is know where near as bad as it was 5- ten years ago things are slowly improving but cops should do more
City centre drinking is as safe as ket these days, mainly thanks to CCTV and not the Police. When I was a nipper ppl got glassed and slashed EVERY weekend without fail....... u saw fights in nearly every bar... the only fights i see now are fat geordies arguing with greeks over small kebab portions
oy the twat only gave me half a tub of garlic sauce i was entitled to belly bounce him and stavross into next week