The How Far Away Competition Everyone seems to be playing how far away can we get from Newcastle competition for some reason so I thought I may as well join in!!! So will I be the furthest user when I login to the board from Tokyo (will have to go clubbing there I think!!!) or Sidney (that’s Australia encase anyone finds an obscure town in Uzbekistan with the same name or something!!!) which ever one I get the chance to first???
I think its Sydney mate,coz it takes 12 hours to get there,and bout 10 hours to get to L.A..Al ask scratt cos he's up to knowledge on that sort of stuff
i think its gotta be sydney....Australia is renoud for being on the other side of the world....LA is however not....
Ahhhh not as close as me though lil jem u can be in 2nd place Ill be in 1st until some more people try and out do my pole position.
Sydney takes a little longer than 12 hours. im afraid your looking at around 25 hours and if your on a direct flight there is a 2 hour stop over in either bigcock or singifyourpoor! depending on the airline your on!
Yeah I think ur right disco stu cause the lynx andvert says 24 Im sure And it is on the other side of the world
Im going to Tokyo for a few nights on route!!! hope they have good clubs I think we are going to try and get to 'Maniac Love'!!!!! It plays Trance, House and Techno on different floors!!! They have free computer connected to internet so I will hopefully be able to log on to the forum from inside the club! oh and I got a street map of how to get there too I think we might still get lost though:spangled::spangled::spangled: lol