Thats a bit racist.. To be honest if you goto to south of france the people are far more freindly than peopl ein this country, Its only Parisians that a genrally rude, When i was travelling round france people would invite you to there family home for food and wine, Never met friendlier people...
It's hardly racist Alas, not every frenchman is arrogant, wheres a black striped top and a beret, with onions and garlic in his bicycle basket. Hoh ha he hon monsieur!
Well...iIf I was to say, call you, an arsehole (purely for example) that is not racist. You can be from any place or of any race/religion and STILL be an arsehole. Thus, calling a group of people arseholes is not necessarily racist either...However, it's hardly fair to brand an entire population arseholes when you are simply basing it on a stereotye and clearly have not met every Frenchman in the world... HOWEVER, if you were from a specific country or of a certain background/religion/race, whatever, and I was to make negative comments with direct relation to that in a manner that is to discredit your race/religion and cause offence, then that is what i consider to be racist.
The French are a fantastic nation of people and we could do with taking a few leaves out of their book of ways of doing things. Being british these days means standing for less and less and still being strangely proud of it - we're a society in decline. The french
my boss just said that! he was once walkin round a citroen garage waitin for his wife, th sales bloke came up n sed 'can i interest you in a citroen sir', he said 'i wouldnt buy a french apple, never mind onea their fukin cars' quality
I'd like to bet if you asked the average english person why there is an english/french rivaly .... they probably couldnt string a decent reason together. People are born and bred into this attitude that the french are idiots and seem to just go along with it, and even get some collective validation amongst themselves and their peers by making anti french comments. The french have great food, pride in their country and arent afraid to enforce it (rather than the english way which involves sitting at home behind the net curtains and tutting), and the right attitude about day to day life and trying to maintain peace in this world. They have every right to look down on us - sorry.
whats so bad about them? i have no real feelings each way to be honest... been to france a few times, had a good time, never met any more wankers that i didn't meet here. i don't understand.
i'd rather eat my own shit than eat the rubbish they eat! been to france many times n cant say i've enjoyed any of the meals i've had. ended up with a stick of bloody french bread wi some butter on it i think alot of ppl hate the french cosov the way they've been brought up like you said. i think ppl feel they could've been a bit stronger in the war
hows that racist?!! just becos he sed he 'wudnt buy a french fukin car' it makes him racist??? i think not