No doubt Conway just thinks this is down to some ppl not doing their jobs properly. How anyone can rock up and claim to be from a warzone be denied ASSYLUM then be granted full access to the Benefit system IS FUCKING UNREAL!!!
This is why he was given access to benefits: If this guy had been checked out by a qualified doctor, instead of by council assessors and advisors, he wouldn't have got away with it. Still, he's not the first or the last, loads of the "natives" have been doing the same thing: The "disabled" referee who claimed £17k in four years - The Mayor who ripped off £9k in two years - The "lazy mum" who went through £10k on benefits before appearing on "wife swap" and revealing it all to the rest of the UK (woops) There's a tip for you in this story Pike - if you want to rake in £40K a year, pretend to be paralysed and see if you can get away with it I don't understand why they've not deported this guy instead of jailing him for 7 years. Surely he's just going to be more of a drain on the state in prison? And why aren't doctors involved in assessing disability claims? They should be checking these people out thoroughly before awarding them state money (regardless of nationality).
Disgusting - the money he conned from our country - it could have been put towards a new mosque on the west road
Even doctors pass people off as being ill - they dont want to risk being wrong as the consequences are far more severe, they cant be arsed investigating, and they dont want to upset the patient. I've needed a back-dated medical note for a bad back which was issued without hesitiation, examination, or questioning.
Cases like this one are going to start to die out, now that they've replaced Incapacity Benefit with ESA. With Incapacity Benefit, there was no periodic review of cases - once you were signed onto it, that was it. Thats probably how the guy above got away with it for so long. With ESA there are yearly medical reviews by independent doctors (not your local GP), and there's more focus one what you can do, rather than what you can't, as the result of an illness or disability. It was brought in by the last government and has led to a massive reduction in people claiming disability-related benefit. An unusually good article from the Daily Fail shows that 39% of claimants for IB are actually fit for work (of some form). Full article:
Glad that something is being done - its common knowledge that people off work/cant work due to disability/sickness receive more pay than those who are looking for work, and often is the case that they can work, or they have brought the illness on themself (obesity/smoking). Its so annoying to think of those that refrain from work and what it costs us. I think it will always be a grey area, no matter how vigilant they become in the diagnostics.
Being ill yet been ill enough to carry out some form of job, is I think QUITE different from being a Moroccan posing as a paralysed Afgan. The gov have brought in massive changes to "Sick" and things are getting much harder for the work shy. This effects this news story ZERO PERCENT though... The harsh facts that our 1 million out of work young people face is that... they would in fact be much much better off leaving this country then getting a suntan, a sob story and a poor poor me immigrant complex. The will then be offered a lot more and easier opportunities as a immigrant entering this country in comparison to our of work student whos spent their lives working towards bettering themselves.