sweet shop message for mark. I remember just over a year for one night there was a sweet shop/stall thing upstairs selling ice poles and chupa chups and stuff. I think it was your lass I was talking to (long blonde hair, used to do the guest list) that said it was her idea but you weren't keen on it. Please bring it back, it was an amazing example of supplier meeting customer demand. Whats everyone else think?
what an arse i feel like now. thought i was the only one to remember the sweet shop but just found an earlier thread with about 35 replies on the exact same subject. Anyway looking through the replies it looks like it was popular and cheers mark for saying it may make a return. you know it makes sense. if anyone still fancies answering me poll though then gan on, just for interests sake!
lmfao!! Its alright matey, I'll still vote, heres a second chance to push the sweet shop, I'm all for it, and welcome to the Promise Board!! Hope to see ya at Bondy!! Cyberdog!
ok maybe we can forget the ice pops you're right too cold... we'll stick with lollies they are better anyway.
hell yeah. thats the best idea ever. It means i dont have to bring my own lolly's every nite. Its got to sell Chuba Chubs though cos they r the best lolly's ever. And get extra cherry ones cos they are my favorite and ill buy them all. mmmmmmmmmmmm lolly's
oh yeah 4got bout strawberry. they r pretty scrumptious. tell me one thing, why did they make cola ones? they taste so minging. like some1 just shat on a stick and sold it as a lolly. Not a huge fan of choclate and banana either
SWEETYYY OOO OOO I want lolly. NOt that i actually need 1 cos i got one of those massive Chuba Chub fings in me room!! And it never runs out. yeeeaaaa (I wish) But u can still get me another lolly.