Smile, cos it's a Fresher fest!!! smile's promo team have been out on the streets since the freshers arrived on Thurs. What a response! This Monday looks set to be the busiest Smile ever, with the arrival of the naive new freshers. over 500 freshers got a foundation goody bag, as well as 500 VIP tickets that are getting distributed on monday to get in free, not to mention the 900 in last monday. All drinks still £1... you might get a hangover, but It'll be worth it!! It's Mark's night, so come down and join in the fun & games.
can't wait,,, isn't it already freshers week for newcastle uni??? its always the newcastle uni birds who are the wildest first time away from mammy and daddy, with daddys money
might have known you'd be sniffing around that bag of filth in ur house when i left last time would have taken it from next doors dog