Should people on the dole... .... Be prevented from wasting their money on Booze, Cigarettes and other 'non essentials'. Saw this on another board and it raises a good point about the idea of state benefits versus the integrity and choice of the person recieiving them. So if you were/are on the dole : Do you think it would be right for the government to give you vouchers or something to buy essentials, rather than give you £x amount of cash to spend on whatever you want.. ??????? WHATS YOUR VIEW? And before anyone like the Spence accuses me of wanting to set up a muslim extremist concentration camp with food vouchers and nicorette patches being handed out to those less fortunate.... dont bother
Some people who are on the dole are not on there intentionally, I think if the 'doleys' were prevented from such luxuries it would maybe be a bit unfair on the people who are on there for a reason or are seriously looking for work. On the other hand it would most definately encourage people to get a job, very interesting topic.
and anyways how could you stop them spending money on what they wanted, it would be impossible to monitor people, unless they started handing out asda vouchers instead of cash lol but tbh i think they should be able to spend it on what they want, because like jimmy said not everyones got a choice about being on the dole, so to stop them doing what they want would be unfair
Possibly a good idea in theory, but it is just too 'police state' for me. Yes, it does piss me off when people just sit on the dole and don't even bother looking for work, particularly those with huge families who get massive hand outs, but I don't think we can tell them what to spend their money on. However if people moan that they have no money for food when they have spent it all on cigarettes and alcohol they can piss off! Not to mention the fact that it would be almost impossible to enforce, as a market for selling on the vouchers for cash would evolve, making the whole exercise pointless.
Why change the system - for their own good? People out of work who are actively seeking employment are entitled to the cash provided by the goverment. They are adults and it is up to them to choose how they spend it. If they waste it, tough luck The present system works OK imo. Benefits are taken away from layabouts who won't take on/look for work
not really, because not everyone is on the dole just to bum around and suck the country dry... some people may have a job lined up but have to wait a couple of months before they can start for example!
i think it would be a fantastic idea to give vouchers. If they are smokers, then 2 vouchers for 20 packs of tabs and £10 off dole money. if drinkers, give vouchers for 14 units of alcohol and take £20 off their dole money. of neither, dont take ne off. i wud have liked that...£10 for my shopping and £30 of vouchers .
i have taken a job because i want to work. i am getting £25-£38 a week at least £4 less than when i sat on my arse and signed on every 2 wonder people want to stay on the dole!
Nah the whole point would be to stop people buying alcohol or cigarettes heather - since it 'could' be argued that these shouldnt be part of a benefits package that the tax payer should finance.... so vouchers could allow people to buy say groceries, but no alcohol or cigarettes of any kind.
dnt sum ppl on the dole, who have families already get money taken from ther dole money. and given vouchers for milk ect?? i always thort they did. coz a lass who i know was a single mum, n she used 2 get milk vouchers, nappy vouchers and that.
Pensions are paid for over the years 'supposedly' through national insurance though .... so one could argue that state handouts are not all equal,... i would say theres a world of difference between the dole and a pension.
fair enough. i was aware that they are supposed to be paid for over the years through NI contributions. But we all know that the workers now pay for current pensioners, and when we retire we'll be funded by the workers of tomorrow. Just thought the point was worth raising
Re: Should people on the dole... The voucher system has proved it doesn't work, as people only sell the vouchers for them things know as universal voucher MONEY. As the last bit charming
At first I thought it was a good idea, but thinking...No. If ppl waste what little money the have then they lose out. Perfect example, my friend was on the dole for years, slacker She used to waste her money on going out and buying presents for her arsehole boyfriends. She didnt pay her bills or rent and got evicted and has CCJ's against her, which in time, she will be gutted about. Its their own fault
If you think about it, people who are on the higher tax bracket effectively fund the average person's daily life to a degree, so should they pay for 'our' NHS treatment, schools, etc when they don't use them Similar to us paying our taxes to fund the dole
What a ridiculous idea! What if your were made redundant and told what to spend your measley money on. Taking the freedom of choice away is not an option. That's what Saddam did in a far more severe way.