Saskia Is A Bitch -big Brother shes going to get the worst reception of all time on Friday:fart: :evil:
everyone has their bad pics.. if that's the worst she's ever gonna be its not a terrible world is it I'd favour her over Lesley
She also has a boyfriend, I read it in the paper yesterday apparently hes well pissed off, he's a footballer and shes choose a guy with man boobs instead of him.
She blantently does not even fancy Maxwell, she though he was gonna win it so leetched onto him and its backfired, hope she kicks booed on the way out
can some one explain briefly whats happened i've missed whatever's been going on as i've been in the great metropolis that is london Please??
yo soapie, hows it going? Basically theres new housemates maxwell and saskia are up for eviction. and there been lots of nakedness and porn.
class will have to try and catch up this week, i saw the secret garden and kinga being naked. but had no idea those two were up thats so bad!!have they got it together then?she's blatently been sleazing up to maxwell.been taking tips off you boys i reckon! I'm good got back last night. Going out in the great macc tonight with some ppl i know and alistair....what a treat!
it will be imense.I'm looking forward to being back in newc for a bit but finding i don't get as distracted here revising so will prob keep coming back and forward. I'm looking forward to crashing the graduation fun, not had a mental night in ages...nor have i been battered in ages!well up for raving it until the early hours. :clap: :drunk: :wiggle: :crazy:
did u see maxwell kick off with kemal?? I suprised kemal didnt pin him down and bum him into next week!
I dont hink Maxwell and Saskia are that bad! And we'll see what happens when they both get out as to what romance will happen. Just cos he has man boobs, doesnt mean she wont like him! The other group are pissing me off more tbf. Bunch of 2 faced, slimey bastards! :fuming: