Sander Klienenberg? When is he comin to play at promise? i saw him at the Space in leeds on friday and he was fookin amazin. played a really good set. It was really funky!
I was there and I thought his set was amazing. Played it a bit more housey than proggy, finished with Cosmos - Take Me With You. Great night
Sadly I don't think he'll be playing at Promise again, I remember seeing a post ftom the promoters on here somewhere ages ago saying that they wouldn't be booking him any more.
How the fook can a DJ forget his records??? And I thought I was bad at remembering thigs. Like how to spell things.
seen him at sugarshack couple ov times. The time he was on wiv scotty bond just over a year ago he played my lexicon as his last tune and he was absolutley amazing. whats he up to at the mo anyway?? i havent heard of him playin in or around the north east 4 ages. xxx
could we not give him another chance and let him do an early set like wot papa is doin on the 5th April???
i didn't think sander was a full on prog head? i would defo vote to give him a chance though. really wana check da sounds of sander