Record lists Does anyone keep a list of what vinyl/Cds they own in case they get robbed? I started months ago, but got bored after a dozen or so. I got burgled in my student days and lost loads of stuff. Couldn't remember half of what I had, but still haven't learnt my lesson
Shockin that Jill. :tut: How would i do that then? Is there a way of copying all the file names straight over into a Word document or whatever, all in one go?
open a dos prompt. change directory to where ur mp3's are. type the following: dir > list.txt it will create a text file called list.txt that has a listing of every file in that current folder
thats a cheap free way to do it anyway. theres probs utils available to do better job (i.e list subdirs etc too...) jus google it m8
I started to write down a list of my vinyl once - then couldn't be arsed.....I really should get round to it. Incidentally - is everyone covered by house insurance, or can you get special insurance just for records? There must be some companies that do this....I ask because regular insurance companies have warehouses full of stuff like records to replace lost/stolen items - unfortunately they are often re-presses, or are on the wrong label etc......some of my stuff is very rare, and took me years to find - I don't want a shitty re-press! I'm sure the DJs on here would agree with that.
i should know better. got burguled when i was 18 - took all my cds, some vinyl, videos, etc. Was a nightmare trying to remember what was nicked as the insurance company wanted to replace like for like. for years afterwards i was going "ohhh damn i forgot that faith no more album" & repeat * 60 times. infact it wasn't till a year later i found an empty Pantera tape box... couldn't find the cassette anywhere... then i realised they'd also nicked my walkman - :chill: my memory is fucked!