R U Tribal You don't like me do you ??? I love you though Since my days in the SAS serving in the Falklands at the tender age of 4 I have changed my barbaric ways These days I work for a florist..delivering a little bit of happiness into a persons life I'm not a spy Lets say we settle our differences over a nice warm larger and a bag of crisps ? name your time and place, If I'm delivering flowers I'll be sure try my best to be there
FAO's to yourself!! You crazy bastard, you need help :crazy: Its an illness Jon, see someone for heavens sake! Please...............Before its to late..
Re: R U Tribal I want to be you I have hayfever so please keep the flowers away from me. You can spy on me any day you wish you little tinker!! If you wear womens underwear for me, I'll meet you.. BUT you have to promise
Re: Re: R U Tribal I promise...we can listen to techno and skip through summer medows....then I can kill you with a match box...I was in the SAS you know ?
Re: Re: Re: Re: R U Tribal scottish ambulance service served in the Falklands/Gulf/South America all over m8. I wrote a book not long back...you might have seen it in the shops ? It's called fuck off !!