PUSH! - have they pulled out??!??! have push pulled out from there july 6th appearence @ promise?!! if the have f~@£$! ive still aint strange world played in a club... fort this was my chance!!
I hope they have not pulled out was really looking foward to this one. its mint when starnge world is played in a club i want to hear it again in promise!
smart e sed in another post that it looks like push have pulled out mad: ) when talkin aboot future listings!!! anyone know any better?!
lol... do u mean this post... http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3209&highlight=listings refering to my post: http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3163 lmao... my listings arent true!!
nah i didnt read the post... just saw smart e say in another one that it looks like push have pulled out..... altho jazzy jeff n the fresh prince wud of been cool!!