Promoters, clubbers, listings, events Please send any news, reviews, previews at listings to I am helping put together Southern based dance mag Upfront's website and need more clubland goings on from the Northern end of the country..or indeed anywhere. The website is and the actual mag is a free quarterly that can usually be found in indie record and clothes shops..and on my front room floor..
It's quarterly rather than monthly, next one due in a couple of weeks so asap really. Website obvs can be updated as and when. I don't actually look after the listings, they have an email address just for that as they have to be sent through in a certain format.
reviews without pictures are Ok but think about when you read a newspaper, any stories with no pictures usually don't catch your eye. Plus a great way to get a pal in the club free also - 'He's my photographer'
im going to get my bf to buy me a cheap camera anyway so i can capture loads of nice pictures!! im always up and down the country seeing new places but have to no pictures to go with it