Posting racist comments on the internet could land you in prison Might be of interest to some:
Re: Posting racist comments on the internet could land you in prison thast a load of fucking bollox it wont be enforced and the internet is a huge place
Re: Re: Posting racist comments on the internet could land you in prison
Racism is all a bit shit, but I think that is fucking abismal. Six messages on the internet landing you over two years in jail. Or was that the child porn charges combined?
id always get a upvc as there much better qualitity and are wheather proof as every so often u need 2 keep easying wooden doors and that as they swell and they rot
BOLLOX UPVC is ugly as fuck and very bad for the planet. A Wooden door looks so much better!!! if treated right a wood door should last more than decade. I hate the stupid little lip u get on the bottom of UPVC door frame that trips you up and you would be suprised how qucikly the silicone and plastic seals will decay.. u will have to replace them after about 7 years id guess.
wooden window frames and doors all round biatch bit graft treating them once a year and they're good as gold UPVC is tacky shit