pissing people off ive managed to piss off two people close to me in the space of 5 minutes. and ive not even got dressed yet. what is it with me? i start trying to turn my life around so im happier and im just making other people miserable! damnnit...im jsut gonna get back to work and not talk to anyone else today. one of my new years resolutions is to stop pissing people off with my insanity...this isnt my insanity, its just me being brutally honest...does it count? how do i make them both happy with me again?
Re: Re: pissing people off no pissed off one over the fone because i dont want her boyfriend coming up on my 21st cos hes a tit and he will ruin it and its my birthday so surely i can have a say im who comes for tres expensive meal and then out for drinks? the other one i pissed off on msn becuase of feelings i haev that i cant change. grr...what do i do!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: pissing people off but one of thems my sister. sometimes i hate having 2 sisters, i can never be on the right side of both of them. ive just got on the right side of laura after a missunderstanding with andys and now vicki's angry at me, and its about another andy! grr...down with andrews!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: pissing people off Though.. if my sister's pissed off at me I just let her be for a while, eventually she forgets about it and forgives me. Or I grovel....
Re: Re: Re: Re: pissing people off but i dont want him to come...he completly ruined my new years by being a drunken wanker and my 21st is special to me seeing as i didnt really have an 18th. i dont want him to ruin it but it will ruin it nehow if vickis not there
Whats so special about 18th or 21st birthday parties if i may ask? Just wondering why people put so much value in them.....
Re: Re: Re: pissing people off A) Your sisters b/f must go out for your birthday meal as they are a couple and the pair of them come as 1 item. So eat a bit of humble pie for ya dinner & then sort it & let him come. B)You need closure. Maybe this person should think of you and maybe they should come and see you and tell you there feelings and where you fit into there life. Then it is upto you absorb and understand there point of view if it isnt the same as yours. I am off to read Dear Majore Proops now
cos everyone has a big night out on their 18th. all my mates werent gonna be 18 till the end of the summer and got ID'd everywhere so woudlnt come out...and my boyfriend was doing nicole in newcastle so he wouldnt spend it with me. 21st is supposed to be like coming of age and being and adult and the like...but for me, its making up for the fact no1 gave a toss about me 3 years ago.
I think its just cos when you're 21 you can do pretty much anything you can drink in any country, you can drive in any country, you're officially an adult apparantly
Re: Re: Re: Re: pissing people off andys been messing up my sisters life for the past 5 years, i dont want him messing up mine but if its the only way its the only way. ive given him so many chances and he blows them all...but he is rebeccas father and my sisters partner so i dont have ne choice. i dont want him there but its ok. i jsut wont speak to him. and with the other one, i know where he wants me to fit into his life, he wants me to be his girlfriend but even tho i like him as a friend, i dont want to be his girlfriend. it upsets me that we're kinda in an all or nothing situation when half way in the middle works perfectly well!
Let your sister know that her boyfriend can come, but that it's up to her to ensure that he behaves. As for the other one, it's difficult to say as I don't know the person involved. I guess you've already tried making it clear that you want to be friends and nothing else. If he won't accept that, you will probably have to lose him as a friend.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: pissing people off Good show on the sister B/F, it has to be done really. Well it seems to me this fella has to accept what you have told him, maybe MSN isnt the way to go about things tho.
I think the 21 thing is more of a traditional age to celebrate being an 'adult.' Maybe the laws changed a long time ago, and that's why we now mainly celebrate 18th's