Im glad youve done this thread because im getting a new one next month and wanted to kjnow which ones were good!
i wouldnt reccommend it, we have 3 within the company and everyone has fkd up numerous times, and they have a constant problem with the mic in them
Agreed! Yes, its a bit big but it does anything! You can get so much on them! i had snes and megadrive games on mine. Plus the camera quality is just as good as any other atm. only bad thing is that it doesn't have a flash Still cool as fuck tho
the 6230's are crap, constantly fuking up, the screen is shite, and so is the camera, crappy phones! i had a nokia 7610, which was good, but now got a sony ericsson s700i which is fuking mint?!!
The biggest sellers for us at the moment are Samsung D500 (Best Screen) Black Motorola V3 (Best Looks) Nokia 6230i (Probably best all rounder) Sony-Ericsson K750i (Best Camera) tbh they are all pretty decent but the V3 would be bottom of my list (it doesnt do video recording and the menu system isnt exactly user friendly at first)
not the doesnt have a push down screen its a flip phone...I duno what model it is so dont have a pic