perverts sitting at work and just had a customer ring up heavy breathing down phone asking what colour knickers i had on! Why do people do these things?
I work in a call centre! The number is plastered all over his bill! Good god, i would have died if he had rang my mobile
A bit like this random PM on the Inside Out board I've just received. Please note I hardly ever post on there so he must have trawled thru the members list looking for his next victim! 'Hi there a just joined & wiz looking @ the members & seen u so a thought i'd say hello, coz a fkn love newcastle....a go 2 the arches in glasgow r u m/f ??? hope your female if u r ,, how u doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I wanna know which part of GeordieLee suggests that Im female!
Hiya, thanks for the message. I'm female yeh. Is that good? Full name is Leeanne. I'm 5'6, blonde hair, blue eyes and slim. What about you? Are you Scottish? I love Scot guys. I used to go out with one, his name was Willie McDogg from Aberdeen, I doubt you know him. I like clubbing too. Im a dancer in a club. I just love dancing to trance in my hotpants. The guys seem to like it too! Hehehehe. Anyway luv, I better get back to work, these people won't massage themselves, will they!? Take care x