Oki-Ni Evisus? Do any of you fashion victims know where I can get my hands on a pair of the Oki-Ni Evisu jeans? Cruise 2 have one pair left, but they're display and not for sale. Last time I was on the Oki-Ni website (Friday/Saturday), they were on there, but out of stock. Now, they're not even on the website, which leads me to believe the only pairs left are floating around in some shops somewhere. Anyone help? Ta
Cúnt Seriously though, where'd you get 'em? (If of course, you're serious, and didn't just post that to try and be funny...)
?????? seriously. evisu. fucking hell, god help you all. allie man they are total over-priced shite, if you want some good jeans get either a.) nudie b.) paper denim & cloth c.) earl d.) rogan can all be picked up for around a £100. oki-ni make some great clothes, but evisu is such a fucking tacky label. if you are desperate, check the oki-ni website although you are best of giving them a ring. http://www.oki-ni.com/
I have some lush Nudies. I usually hate Evisus too, but these are very nice. Nice soft denim, and very pretty. I can't be arsed to fuck about too much finding them though, cos there's a decent pair of Blue Bloods I've got my eye on. And I have checked the Oki-Ni website, and they're not there anymore, hence the post
in that case, your very unlikely to pick them up, as jimmy said your best bet is ebay.. be wary though i've heard a few horror stories of people paying a lot of money for evisu fakes in the past.
For fuck's sake. Yes, but they'd all be from Topman, and would be desperately shit quality, and look absolutely fuck all like the Oki-Ni Evisu jeans that I actually want. So, at the end, I've spent what I could've on a pair of jeans I like and want, and instead have five pairs that are utter gash, that I don't want. The point?
In fairness, I'd prefer not to buy anything off Ebay for that exact reason. Ah well, shall get the Blue Blood's instead, and some Carhartts While we're here, anyone know anywhere decent for Red Ear stuff?
Theres a place in Leeds in the arcade bit that sells it, I cant remember the name though plus I havent been for about 6 months now. Not much help really
Cheers fella, will check those at some point Strand have some, but it's gash. Could fancy a shopping trip to Leeds at some point too
They arn't shit quality though, theres nowt wrong with em. The point...you could buy a pair of jeans for £25 and keep the change...I would have thought that was obvious Never understood the real point of paying daft amounts of money just for a name tag