North East to be hit hardest by spending cuts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BRID, Sep 9, 2010.

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  1. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    North East to be hit hardest by spending cuts

    UH OH.

    Its a shame our region (and other similar ones) always has to suffer the most whenever there is a downturn.

    Being at the mercy of government money (which sloshes IN with a labour government, and then gets sucked OUT when the tories get in) seems to have really kept the north south divide going for what feels like forever now.

    I'd be worried if i had a job in the civil service at the moment. It almost feels like a tidal wave is coming.

    I wonder if Northumberland street will end up looking like a scene from 28 days later which it kind of resmbled in the late 80's and very early nineties.

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. stuwrong

    stuwrong Registered User

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I doubt it, although Linthorpe Road might..
  4. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    HA HA HA!!! The North East (well North Tyneside) will always have the most civil servants regardless of who is at 10 due to Longbenton & Tyneview Park being the size they & the functions they do. With the numbers in these places people leaving of there own will, temps & overtime getting knocked on the head will be enough to save most. As we have seen with Kenny Clarke recent re-jigging of courts it will be the smaller places with less function that can be centralised that will go.

    As for Northumberland Street: Newcastle Building Society opened mega place in place of the KFC, Peacocks (clothing) just moved into the space that was Zavvi, BANK are opening soon & Slater is meant to moving to Northumberland Street. Northumberland Street has nowt to worry about.

    Grainger Street:Has has had some long term empty units since the odd firm went tits up & others moved into the expanded Eldon Square.

    Clayton Street: has a sort town high street feel to its shops rather than a city centre. The new Tesco in Eldon square has been a absolute winner.

    Have not seen a post like that from you bud since Northern Rock saga which you have to admit you called wrong as the bailouts by Brown/Darling are looking like moneyspinners in these harsh times.

    I read the Experian report in a lot of detail as Hull is my main patch & to no surprise to me I read "Hull has the highest rate of people claiming benefit".
  5. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Been to both to swap out network kit for the DWP and I can confirm they're fucking huge, far bigger than they look.

    The DWP took on an extra 15,000 staff as part of an "economic downturn programme" to deal with all the extra jobseeker's claims etc. They'll probably start laying these staff off as the downturn ends. Not sure what percentage of that is based in the NE though...
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    So if Northern Rock is a 'money spinner' as you call it, then why do the public have to stump up the cash to fund these bail outs? I really don't see a day when we all sit back and congratulate ourselves on money well spent.

    ..... if the NE is going to be hardest hit by cutbacks as they say, then how is everything going to be OK? The early nineties recession was hard enough, and this is the worst downturn since WWII so I fail to see how we are all gonna just coast through this one.

    Sooner or later we have to come off the emergency drip of 0.5% interest rates, and then what?

    If the tories said they WILL be announcing cuts, then who is going to suffer? Not us? (Obviously i don't live in the NE any more, but you know what i mean).
  7. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    you aint seen nothing yet. wait till these cuts begin. this region will be fucked. and I voted Lib Dem. What a mug. Never again
  8. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    We stumped/stump cash during the bad times it has been widely reported that the bank bailouts will bring in billions & they have kept a lot of people in jobs.

    Who said it was okay? I have said temps (this is 1000's of people @ Longbenton/Tyneview Park) will loose there jobs, people will loose overtime & when people leave of there own will more than likely the posts will not be filled. I don’t think Northumberland St will have masses of empty units but I made it clear which streets have suffered.

    Worth remembering the North East is not Newcastle either biggest worry in the NE area is for a big town like the Boro.
  9. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    The money was on its way out when labour were in charge - its just being accelerated at the moment to end long term pain - I voted Lib Dem and this is the approach that I think will save the economy in the end. The North South divide will always be there - London is our capital city and will always be more prosperous, this is no different to any other country in the world. Besides, who gives a fuck about it? I like it that things are cheaper up here, we get a better standard of living overall.

    Although I was young in the 80s and 90s, I dont remember Northumberland Street ever struggling. The town was always busy and will continue to be so. Some people will be worse off than others for a bit, but we'll all get through it and everything will be fine in the end
  10. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I love how everybody has totally bought this cuts agenda. If you look at the history of the last great depression you will see that governments responded in exactly the same way, cutting spending, slashing jobs, putting even more people out of work, so that the world economy went into a nosedive which only ended when they started spending again in the 40's. Unfortunately it took a world war to get them to do it. Lets hope history doesn't repeat itself totally.
    The bankers lost this money. We baled them out. Now they are back to doing exactly what they were doing before. And they are totally getting away with it. We will all pay with lost jobs and lower living standards and the public just keep sucking it up. How they must piss themselves laughing in the bankers boardrooms. Total mugs we are. and we even vote for our own downfall. Incredible
  11. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    Well I agree - you must be a mug. The lib dems campaign promoted cutting public spending at a much greater level than labour, now you are complaining about it. WTF is that all about? :down:
  12. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I couldn't vote labour for their total disregard for civil liberties. I had thought that the Lib Dems were a left wing party. how wrong i was. And yes you are right they were on about cuts. so were labour so were the tories. So it didn't make much difference who you voted for on that score. it didn't seem as though the tories were going to get a majority and so wouldn't have been able to get away with 40% cuts, and I naively believed they would be reined in by labour and lib dems. So I guess that makes me a mug.
    However if you think that cuts now will save long term pain and that the Tories will save the economy you are a bigger mug than me
  13. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Monte Darlo
    Whats the alternative? Fuck it all and carry on spending? Is that really going to help? You have to spend when the timings right. You mention the last great depression, and as you skipped over the main point here it is - yes spending at the right time did reinvigorate the economy; surely thats the same plan now?
  14. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    the plan now is to do what the tories have wanted for a generation - dismantle the welfare state and take us back to the times when the oiks knew their place. They have found a perfect way to do it and we all bought it. Generations of your ancestors fought and died to have what we now take for granted and it could be lost in a blink. How about the fuckers who caused this shit pay us the money back instead of continuing to wallow in it? How about the people who are paid 400 times more than the low paid pay some tax for a change. Just some tax would be a start. How about stopping the grotesque war on terror. There's a few billion there for a start. Trident?
    When everybody in power tells you there is no other way, try to imagine they may just not have your best interests at heart. We can't fight them but we don't have to applaud while they fuck us over. again.
  15. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Monte Darlo
    Thats capitalism - what you are almost suggesting is some communist utopia which doesnt work either. Welcome to the real world, it contains rich people and poor people. This is life
  16. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
    Likes Received:
    hurtling towards nirvana
    It's not communism for christs sake! What you are suggesting is that there is nothing we as a society can do in the face of massive greed and collossal risk taking by a few people who know that mugs like us will always bail them out.
    People have been conned into focussing on a few benefit cheats creaming off a few crumbs into their pockets whilst truly massive amounts are paid out in corporate welfare.
    It is not the only way. Capitalism does not have to be set up like it is now. There are ways to make it fairer. We don't just have to roll over and let them shit on us. Look at Germany - the worlds third biggest exporter where boardroom pay is nowhere near UK levels and companies are unionised and where education and welfare are not at the mercy of some rapacious elite. Even the US won't let any carpetbagger walk in and buy up their top companies like it didn't matter. There are alternatives to red in tooth and claw capitalism, it doesn't have to be this way. We have chosen to make it so here in the UK is all
  17. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Monte Darlo
    You have convinced me - you made some good arguments there for change :worship:

    To be fair, I was a bit pissed last night and unable to understand your point! :drunk:
  18. JIMI

    JIMI Not an Administrator

    Mar 5, 2006
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    either on a messenger of death or a naval base
    i cant really see newcastle centre actully struggling, i can see places like shields, wallsend, benton and places like that not being able to cope, especially as they have loads of dole walla's at the best of times and in the next few month there will be loads more, and in areas with high un-employment, crime will rise
  19. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Jimi - Spot on. Areas that have a high level of local businesses will be hit the hardest.
  20. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    buggr me! I never convinced anybody of anything on here before! You are obviously a man of integrity and intelligence :cool2:
  21. JIMI

    JIMI Not an Administrator

    Mar 5, 2006
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    either on a messenger of death or a naval base

    not just a pretty face me :wink:

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