New Forum! I think this board should have a production forum! I like this board better than any but spend most of my time online posting production wise! Would also be a social thing for all the local producers on here. I think this should have been a long time ago. What does everyone else think? And yes its diffo from the techy geeks forum!
no harm in giving it a go tho, neva know i mite be a hit???? but then again i dint knaa wot yous are on about most ov the time so it mite not??????
I make hardcore tunes i dont know if it'd be popuilar like??? Its decent stuff, not the local cheese u hear at the monkey ( well i hope not anyway ) lolol
Producers: Aaron S Lee Chase Luke Terry David Lee Jim Craik Mik X Marty anymore .. ? Its worth a go ... nothing to loose i dont think apart from a small amount of server space ..