My mix cd... for a copy pm me with there name and address... will have a copy of my cd sent to them... i ve not been djin that long, so it wont be perfect, however, i would like feedback on tuneselection, my mixing, structure etc.. People who already got my first one... u ll get copies regardless.. its similar, with hopefully better mixing, and a few changes in the tunes.. its a hard dance/house set... Doggie ps if u aint been on much, or wont have time to listen to it properly or give me any feedback... dont bother pming me! if i get non constructive critism, i ll break u in half
YAY... im one of the few who get a copy regardless It's cos were better than everyone else init everyone else... BEG!!! GROVEL!!! NOW!!! But nah, seriously, lookin forward 2 hearin it m8 :groovy:
has anyone else heard batfinks mix cd 'you havent heard hard' its shit.. bollox.. total wank... fuck off liam!!! :evil:
if i remember rightlee.. ur wanting to be the nu nick sentinence rite dogg? tunes better eh.. hmm.. we'll b the judge
im gonna open it up a bit for everyone...maybes till end of weekend... i ve only got my trusty computer to burn cds, so if u dont get a cd straight away, bear with me... apart from that, i ve only been djin for 3 months.. so apologise for any dodgy mixin on it just want people to hear my style