Muslims Burn poppies About 35 Islamic protesters, dressed in dark clothes and with many masking their faces, carried banners and chanted slogans such as "British soldiers: terrorists"
wow. 35 muslim extremists. If there was ever an excuse to nuke Iran, Pakistan and any other secular Muslim state - this is it! *groan*
'Around 50 counter demonstrators from the far-right English Defence League gathered nearby but officers kept the two sides apart' its just like football hooligans meeting for a fight....
the English Defence League sounds pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have space ships, advanced weaponary and the ability to nuke all non whites from orbit.
How dare these people make such elegantly worded, well balanced, arguably true and passionate statements to the press.
It the soldiers fault that they are fighting and dying or is it the Governments? Is burning poppies on remembrance day really the right way to go about protesting?
Nail on head The problem is though the extremists know that doing this will gain them publicity, which is what they are after - and therefore unfortunately they choose to protest in a way which disrespects people who have died fighting someone else's war.
I was born a Muslim, and have lived in a Muslim country all my life until recently, don't really follow a religion now, but just keep in mind the majority of them do not agree / go along with what these extremists are doing, let me make this very clear, these extremists are NOT the voice of Muslims. They claim they are, but they are not.
Not to everyone, there are still a lot of folk who judge a race/religion by the actions of a group of morons from within it, I don't think you'd be surprised though.
When the pills got shit, all the peace, love and unity drifted out the window like cheap soap bar smoke .... and in floated intolerance and ignorance.
well , the good pills are back , the torys are shittin on us , and the raves are returning -fuck religion
I was glad to hear this...... [ame=""]YouTube - Captain SKA - Liar Liar[/ame]