Five Live is reporting "the brainwashed black who cant help but steal" thanks conway will have their council houses and maybe their beneifits taken away from them. Its not passed or anything but a few MP's live on air where all for it. MOST EXCELLENT
Theres e-petition about the buggers getting their benefits taken away, apprently its got 700,000 already if it gets to 100,000 it has to be discussed in parliment. iv tried to get on but it seems the site is crashed out with people trying to vote!
Never mind brainwashed blacks, you're brainwashed into getting your daily news intake from the Russian TV News network and the Daily Fail. This will have little to no effect on those on benefits anyways - it wouldn't have stopped the riots from happening. People saw an opportunity to nick some stuff, and if the threat of police and ending up in prison doesn't dissuade them, what will taking money out of their pocket do? Fuck all. Most of the people carrying out the looting were kids, and a fair few of those in court today had full-time jobs - do you honestly think they are all on benefits? If you do, you need to put the Kool-Aid down and stop necking cowies.
Your faith in politicians is sadly misplaced They might discuss it, but fiver says nowt happens after that. Better idea: Put them in chain gangs and have them clearing rubbish, graffiti, digging ditches, clearing gutters and drains, clearing streets, and repairing their own damage. Taking benefits away from people who don't have them, or people who have little money won't solve anything and will probably make things worse (they'll just start nicking again), but having them do good old-fashioned hard graft (regardless of whether they're on benefits or not) is a far better use of taxpayers money (i.e. it costs nowt).