www.juno.co.uk just get the mp3 samples :laugh: juno tends to be best cos has the main part of the tune as a sample already done for u - winner!
I dunno how to work that thing out I only wanna download a decent ringtone for my blower - pollyphonic is poo Help?
on juno - just save the mp3 samples....right click and save as....to yer pc yeah? ahhh....heres the prob tho, have u got email setup on yer fone? if so u can email the mp3's to yourself (from ur pc) and pick them up on ya fone. or - u got infrared or bluetooth on your pc? send em to fone that way...or u cud get data cable. otherwise u will av to goto these ringtone sites and pay daft amounts for em to send them to u
I think i can get e-mail on me phone...dunno how i use it like? Not bothered about paying for it - what other sites would be suitable? I want one that i text the code to and it bills me straight away then sends me the MP3 ?? :spangled:
ahh if u aint worried about paying, www.jamster.co.uk look at the price of them tho u can get a usb bluetooth dongle (ask in any computer shop) where u just plug it into ur pc - download the mp3's for free and send em to ur fone for free......only like £20!
mp3 for phones alright mate i would like to save a techno mp3 for me phone using juno.co.uk and me phone dose email but how do you find out what ya phone email address is ??? cheers
pah! jamster are shockin, i got a text off them every day and it took 1.50 off my phone each text so i got a new sim
yeah mate u can get email on ur 3 fone. check www.three.co.uk - theres info on there on howto do it (or in ur instruction book if i remember right..) then just send an email from ur pc (hotmail or whatever) to your 3 email address - then collect the email using ur fone