Mouse mat A lad at work seems to think what is on your mouse mat tells alot about a person....Right Anyway to fill time...whats on ya mouse mat? Mine is The Lion King The one at home if a George Wimpey one- The company I work for...sad I know!
a peter kay "get on t'internet" one... even though i've got an optical mouse and i don't really need one... old habits die hard. tells you fukk all about me. mines a hollographic one of the NYC skyline, that my aunt brought me back about 6 years ago....I suppose it tell you that my aunt has been to New York....
i nicked it from my dad when he sold his pc sneaky style swapped it for my old track ball thing that had a manky lead on it best bit was, it was my little brother who was buying my dads old pc trackballs take a bit of getting used to, but once your sorted, i rekon there loads better (graduate recruitment) advertisement at the top of the mousemat, and University of Newcastle upon Tyne at the bottom. I'm on the uni comptuers!
i have a mouse mat with a pic of a cartoon dog, with a bone, standing next to a bowl of water with 'boner' written on it, and the caption 'man's best friend is his boner'
mines just grey, its not actually mine though, if i had my choice i would probs have a pink mouse mat