mad dream .....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SmurfGGM, Jan 24, 2005.

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  1. SmurfGGM

    SmurfGGM Registered User

    Nov 20, 2002
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    The Bog
    mad dream .....

    I had a dream I was the host of a gameshow which had a few celebrity contestants.

    I cant remeber who they were, but they all had to take turns at going into a toilet and trying to flush some whelks eye's down the toilet.

    Then they had to go to the must cubicle and try and flush a big turd down the bog. The winner, was the person who managed to flush everything away ! It was a bit like pass the parcel, but flush the turd.

    Then, after that. I was dreaming I was a kissogram, but I was a rubber doll.

    I went to some chicks birthday which was on some rocks outside my house and lay the rubber doll on the ground. I then proceed to blow it up with my mouth using a long pump. When the doll was fully blown up one girl sat on its willy and another on its face.

    I was lying away from it and could feel everything.

    Analyse that !!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. fiddla

    fiddla Retired

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Reclined with my feet up !
    Too many chems of late ...?
  4. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    i had a dream that i took one of my dads koi karps to wet and wild a few weeks ago :lol: it had a mini towel and everything...i also dreamt that i had 9 baby brown bears to look after, and i had to make them honey snaps every morining!!! i have messed up dreams all the time!!

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