Let's Laff at Some Aussie Ravers does what it sez on the tin Kemical Kenny is my fav - http://blogs.inthemix.com.au/Lissie/1712/
Let's Laff at Some Aussie Ravers sum of the stuff on this inthemix site is fuckin great found this one Lissie's Blog May. 10, 2005 - Did you know that a chick once took a dump in the DJ booth of Sydney's biggest nightclub? If you're from Sydney and in the clubbing scene you are probably more than aware of this little incident. Home nightclub is Sydney's "Super club" and was for a number of years, the place to go on a Saturday night. There is an area of Home, called the Terrace which is located at the very top level, surrounded by massive balconys (ie a terrace) and played supreme deep house on Saturday nights. One night there was a very out of it girl who was floating about near the DJ booth. Suddenly she had an itch that needed to be scratched, so she undid her pants and sat down on the step leading into the DJ booth and dropped the Cosby kids off. If this wasn't bad enough, she then wiped herself with her hands, stood up, stumbled and grabbed onto nearby patrons, smearing them and the walls with her excrement. The DJ who was playing at the time hadn't really noticed until he saw a bit of a commotion and then inhaled. I feel so sorry for Home staff. She was quickly escorted by her friends or security. Who knows. Most people's immediate response is "I have been smashed but seriously, how many would you need to have to be that out of it". She was on acid and was probably imaging the grandest throne where she marked her territory. What's worse, is her bag was in the cloak room, so she had to go back and get it the next day. :sick: :rofl: :laugh: