Leeds? Where's the best place to go in Leeds for trance/techno music? Can't find anywhere on the net. Is there actually anywhere at all. Everything seems to be cheesy shite, n r&b. Aparently Majestic used to be trance some nights but it's now house on a fri n r&b sat.
I'm from Leeds... basically its mainly underground house in Leeds now!!! If you're looking for something along the lines of hard house then Mission is the place to go!!! BUT... If you try Stinkys Peephouse (don't think they have a website) they have a night called housewives choice which is on the 1st and 4th (I think) Saturday of every month which does "hard dance" so trance and hard house really!!! But yeah Leeds is mainly house with the odd bit of techno So if you're wanting techno try a night called technique at the mint club thats on fortnightly and they are class (steve bugg is on soon) go to www.technique.org.uk to find out who thet have on... Or for house try back to basics @ rehab, or asylum @ the mint club
Re: Leeds? Hardly any trance in Leeds Housework @ Mission occassionally strays from bosh (Matt Hardwick will be thre on 19th March) but its rare. Housewives Choice is mostly bosh too
Re: Re: Leeds? Have never actually been to housewives choice just heard a lot about it cos I have a few mates that promote other nights at stinkys... ...check out superconductor for techno as well they had Paul Daley on not so long ago and he tore the place apart!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Leeds? name rings a bell but I don't know him!!! the peeps I know that do nights at Stinkys run rude not 2 and madhatters (the guy that runs madhatters is incidently the guy that does most of the promotional work for back2basics)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leeds? ahhhh no don't know him.... federations not really my thing I'm afraid