Kosheen Catch @ PVD I know this was ages ago but im sure someone will remember. Does anyone know what mix of Kosheen Catch was dropped by Paul Van Dyk when he played Promise back in December? I was just talking to someone about it in the pub last night and now im desparate to know.
i think it was the ferry corsten mix???? when everyone knows the h&h remiz is the best and is a class tune!!!
I dont mean to jump in here or owt like but..... Im sure it was the "Ferry Corsten" Mix too ! Im sayin that coz i went to Crasher the night after and he dropped it there too to just bout the same reaction !!
i could just remember that crazy drum roll at the start ov it! dont think ive heard the ferry corsten mix b4 though!
pretty sure it was the hiver and hammer mix cos even though i wasnt there he played it at crasher the following nite...the ferry mix is pants in comparison anyways...the hiver and hammer one is the one normally played by DJs
aye deffo hiver and hammer...... didnt he drop the legacy that nite as well?!.. hmmm memory fadin.. cum back pvd!!!
AHHHHHHH That was excellent - the whole of Promise just singin Catch. I was right up the front next to some1 with a Zippy bag, no doubt some1 on this msg board
wasnt there to see pvd @ promise cos i was home from uni, but he defo played hiver and hammer mix at crasher the next night of this i am certain