Knob end incompetent work colleagues !! I work with the biggest tool in the electronics industry - he has 25 years experience and knows fuck all. He thinks a wafer is something you have with ice cream and a CD is something that play's music. He sits beside me at his desk making strange "pffftt" noises with his mouth, phoning up places day in day out complaining about where he's stayed, bought things from, roads he has to drive on .... he's even sueing air tours for a 12 hr delay He's a lying bastard too and regularly makes up stories which I always get involved in arguments for. An example: He said the other day England and Wales were going to join FA's so Ryan Giggs could play in the Euro 2004. He argued for ages with me about it and then eventually said "I think it was in the early 90's and was kept quite secret" Oh, and worst of all, he wears a wig, has a head the shape of a walnut and also wears black plimmies I'll try and post his pic. Anyone else work with an annoying usless Fuckwitt?
craig i will post on this subject tomorrow as it's hometime for me now & i could go on for hours bout the muppets i work with!!!
Re: Knob end incompetent work colleagues !! I hate that, gets right on me tits He sounds like a right tool! Av got a pic at home of a right numpty I used to work with, I'll put it up later...
my boss' are lazy as fuck, sit in their 'office' playing on the computer, getting food sent up etc and do fuck all.
I work with this awful lass who decided it would be to her advantage to tell everyone at work that I was gay........needless to say the rumour came back to me, and it seems that she genuinly thought I get my own back I constantly followed her around, stroking her hair and telling her that I thought I was falling for her...... Shes keeps her distance now....
He definately looks the kind to go on an all-expenses paid 'business' trip to thailand to ball a lady-boy:spangled: