Judge Jules!! When Is Jules Back At FOundation ne1 know? it was the best set ive ever seen from him there hes a legend
i dont mind jules @ all - ave heard sum corkers from him...... gkgg - a thought he was mint! not everyones cup of tea i understand - but am not afraid to say i dont mind him
qontact 2001 set was amaazing! - im probs biased cos he dropped strange world i know i listen every saturday when i can.. not as gud as when he used 2 do his loooong sets on friday nite kiss tho....
that was one of my fav promise nights when he played live on radio 1 at foundation with Matt Hardwick
OH MY GOD!!! HOW LONG HAS THIS POST BIN UP 4 I'VE ONLY JUST SEEN IT NOW!!! oh my god oh my god oh my god!!! eeeeeee!! thats absolutley class thank u mark soooo sooo much u've absolutley made my day actually u've made ma year seen as he's gonna be on 4 times next year thank u so so much!!!! xxxx
i have a bit of a grr agaist jules...but id still like to see him i guess. but i will have to go 'grrr' for a while.
yeah...i do dont i? kid says hes class like. so i kinda want to see him. but if i have an asthma attack, this time, hopefully, kid will choose me over jules.
He does drop some rather nice choons I must say! After GK @ arena, he even took the time to come and meet myself & few mates as we had been talking to his mate for a bit! Some says he's stuck up etc. which perhaps sometimes might be the case but he was friendly enough & made night even better!
I thought he was pretty cack @ Arena IMO Once John Kelly graced the decks all was good again and people seemed to start dancing.
Naaaa only seen Jules 4 or 5 times but he has never dissapointed!!! He was good at the arena didn't he play pulsar?? His last set at promise was probs my best night since the birthday party.
yeah it was absolutley amazin that nite werent it certainly one of ma best at promise like!! i thought he was dead good at the telewest back in march it was around the time when he started to get absolutley class agin after goin through a bit of a 'not as good as he used to be' set!! me thought his set was excellente!! xxx
Cool, jules back at promise!!! Saw him twice recently out in Ibiza at Judgement Sunday and Garlands. He really blew the roof off with one of the best sets i've seen him play at judgement sunday. Last time he was at promise he was fantastic too. Good on ya promise