John Lennon's killer denied parole it's weird how 'celebrity' criminals get harsher, tougher sentancing.... some UK murderers would have been out years ago....
this is america the uk they wud b out by now with a new fancy life & new identities! keep the fuckers inside i say! :evil:
people who murder other people dont deserve to live themselves imo. In certain cases people should get lesser sentences ie when it was in self defence etc but john lennons killer was just nuts. Bring back the death penalty for that sort of scum, i bet a lot of people would think twice if they knew they risked the leccy chair if caught!! oh and i think the British Squaddies being tried for murder is a FUCKIN DISGRACE and they wonder why less people want to sign up these days?? :evil: that is all
aye, but with us having to appear 'whiter than white' in the eyes of the rest of the world - it sometimes has to be the case unfortunately
if they have committed murder then why not? or at least why not have a trial to prove their innocence? being part of the armed forces does not give you the automatic right to take life, even in a warzone. if british soldiers have commited murder i have no problem with them being brought to trial. in fact i applaud it as they are obviously not the type of people we want in the british army and it will send a message to others like that, that it is not acceptable and that you will not escape punishment by hiding behind the guise of war. they may get less people, but maybe they are better people. quality vs quantity. most of the armed forces are downsizing anyway as new technologies have resulted in less manpower being required.
Not gonna try and argue with a Trainee Barrister.. ill lose lol. I'll be interested to see what is said/done in the lads trial tho. Reminds me of that case with Lee Clegg the Para who shot the Joyriders that were speeding towards his checkpoint in Northern Ireland years ago. Just doing his job under severe pressure and a split second to act and then bang: heres X amount of years in jail.. not nice imo
Re: John Lennon's killer denied parole I said the same thing, He shoulnt get out anyways but it pisses me off when papers and media go on about it cos it was john lennon, yet they dont do a thing about all the other murderers who are up for parole just cos they killed someone who wasnt famous.
it's a tough call but i see your point. however it is impossible to generalise on cases though, especially murder. each case has to examined on the facts and the facts alone. at the moment we have no better method than military courtmarshall/trial to examine the facts and thus we are seeign some of soldiers facing trial. i do not envy having to make those split second decisions, but with all that has come out off after the war in iraq i think we at least owe it to the people of iraq to properly investigate any claims of wrongdoing by our armed forces.
but with all that has come out off after the war in iraq i think we at least owe it to the people of iraq to properly investigate any claims of wrongdoing by our armed forces. [/B][/QUOTE] amen