John Kelly in Sunderland this Saturday Apparently John Kelly is playing in Sunderland on Saturday night. If anyone is interested PM me for details so I don't have to post them all here and so I feel popular!
We had a class nite! Trashed and i'm writing this in the universith 24hr library fuked - don't know how we got passedf securityu
Re: How the mighty have fallen indeed popped round for last couple of hours and cant say was too impressed! was a good laugh - but to be fair kelly was jus banging out the cheesy bootlegs and crowd pleasers to entertain the annabel's massive he was takin the piss outta the resident of bell's too - jumps about like a daft arse thru EVERY song!!! john was takin the piss and was v entertainin to watch cos the other lad didnt even realise he was takin piss!!
i had a mint night, was totally fucked like, near the end i think i was the only one dancing on the floor was getting some strange looks! all in all a really good night!