Howdy! Hope everyone's having a fun summer! :groovy: I'm liking these new smilies!! :chill: *pats joe on back* This is really surreal, I'm in what's called an 'internet cafe' in Tennessee but it's just this women's living room! It's soo warm here, my hairs turning blonde!! Ahh! I'm turning into an airhead like my dearest brother!! Anyhoo I'm off to get drunk at a festival thingimobob (well it is the home of Mr Jack Daniels ) Later dudes
Re: Howdy! Ahh so ur a natural blonde........ explains a lot Glad ur avin fun hun. missin ya loads:angel: :cyber: :cyber:
Re: Howdy! Would be buy can't even tell it is summer over here, the weather is still pants!!!! Anyway, have fun!!!
hiya hun....well i must say of all the places i thought i would be last night one of them wasnt promise!! by all accounts i was extremely drunk and made a right arse of myself...and if joe and big dave arent complete lying bastards then my arse will be making an appearance on the board soon im dead worried actually cus i dont remember anything from promise apart from binary finary being played at the end....i think thats when i thought i had just got there or sumat lol i thought everyone would have missed me and been dead nice seeing as it was a novelty me being there but no...joe was extra dont expect that when you return!! the internet cafes are ded weird over there (when u find them) arent they...i once went to the same one 2 days in a row sat down at the computer and got a right fright cus there was loads of my msn conversation boxes open....i had forgot to sign out of msn and noone else had used it...had been on all night and that was just a kind of office place that happened to let people use the net! lol when u back? i'll ring your hotel in LA on monday...thats whn u get there isnt it? catchya l8er xxx
Re: Re: Howdy! Oi u! I'm a natural brunette! (dead clever me! ) Tis just the sun is putting blonde streaks in me hair! :chill:
Helz> Joe better give me a warm welcome back or they'll be no presents for him! I hope everyone spoiled u, they must've been well shocked to c u! I'm in New Orleans now, I've been to Jack Daniels distillery in Tennessee & go to Mexico tomorrow! At the minute I'm in a really posh hotel in the French Quarter & don't wanna leave!! Got very drunk last night in Bourbon St & dragged on stage to "shake my booty!" *cringe* The next hotel stop I make is at Vegas (we're hiring a limo! *beams* I'll try send u the number when I get a chance! Miss ya hunni! *kiss*
presents?!?!? lemme guess a cap saying I love NY and a spoon with a picture of the twin towers! classy n the new smilies is class aint they *curtsies*
hey jules!! sounds like u avin fun out there!! wen does u come back to british shores? feels like u been gone ages!!!
well its good u havin fun hon, at least sum1's enjoyin there summer (its pants in the midlands) if ya go anywhere near Washington D.C. check out a place called alexandria. went there 4 a couple of weeeks, its ace!! dont get too sunburned! cya soon !!!
i tried ringing that hotel jules but that number u gave me put me through to another number...who then said you could have been in one of 10 different rooms i left you a message but they werent sure they could get it to you...not as helpful as the hotel in new york grrrr
hiya darlin how ya doin??!! glad to hear that u seem to be havin fun n hope u come back wiv a luvley suntan!! u'll hav to tell me all bout it when ya get back!! take care hun missin ya!! xxxx
Aww fankoo everyone! :angel: I miss u all loads!!! But having a fantastiko time! Mr ted> Me & miss helz were unable to meet up (she was east side & I was a west side biatch - respek! :chill: ) but we spoke loads on the phone (them tunes were lurvely hun! ) Joe> I've got more taste than that! I got u a gorgeous 'I *heart* NY! It doesn't get better! Lil un> It feels like sooo long since I was at home! It's like another world but I land back on the 7th August! Can't wait to c all m'darlings again! Andy> fanking u for the advice hunni but I've already been to DC & failed to find any cool places, if only I'd spoken to u first! O well Helz> I didn't get ur message sugar but it was a really wierd hotel! I was in a seperate apartment in the French Quater so didn't have a phone! I haven't got the hotel number for Vegas yet but will send u it as soon as I can! Rachel> bless ya! Missin u lots but having such a good time! Wish I could've taken u all here in my pocket! Take care! *kiss*