how good is this........ game....... when u go there look at bottom of screen and click to enter...... its class u get to strike ppl, cows & sheep with bolts of lightening!!!
Started playing on it and got a bollocking......apparently ur 'not allowed to play games on university computers especially when there are a queue ov people w8ing 4 them'.......well that really told me.....
i'll bloody not bad ya young man!!! it's class........u can shoot em wif lightening & blow em up wif hay bombs!!! & thats just the first level!!!
of course it does........if i wanted you to have an oppinion on this i wud give it to u!!! the general meaning is that unless u have sumthing pleasant to say don't say anything at all!!
fairy snuff but i just wanted to know what the above meant? you say you'd give me my opinion and i was wondering how it would work exactally?
i wud tell u the oppinion & then u wud repeat it!! i mite of answered earlier if u'd used a slightly less rude tone!!