how annoying!! id spent ages downloading loads of wicked tunes and stuff, but hadnt got round to putting them on cd yet coz i need to buy more cd's, and then my stupid dad goes n un-installs the full computer, thus me loosing all my tunes, and winamp, and winMX. grrrr, id spent litterally hours downloading tunes too
get one of those tiny memory chip keyring thingy's, you just plug it in,save and then you can carry it around,were no parent can get it. grrrrr parents and pooters
I've lost count of how many half mixes I've got on CD bcos I either lost the rest or cudn't find it anywhere the next time I checked a web site 4 it!
havent a clue,don't even know its name, might be 24 quid or summat,holds a fair bit tho, saw it on some gadget web site. sorry not much help.
There called USB storage devices. Prices ranging from £30 upwards most of em will only hold between 32MB and 128MB (128 is only about 1 1/2hrs of music), if you wanting bigger storage get a portable HD, they dont cost much more and they can hold loads more.
nar get a portable hard drive case is about 25quid and u can shove any size laptop harddrive in. USB as well
I have found the best way to back up stuff is to fit a external hard drive (if that fucks up 2 you lose your stuff tho) and save your stuff onto that...... if hard drive one fails or fucks you simply reistall the Op system on that drive and your other drive isnt touched.
DEF a good idea to have two hard drives, or partition one hard drive into two. Use one for OS and progs, the other for data. Then if your OS fucks, there's more of a chance of saving data on your other drive. Viruses will often target the OS HD first too. Convert files to MP3s and burn em onto a data CD. Typical file size 5mb, CD can hold 700mb, 140 files easy.