lamp brow looks a bit naff, along with the bonnet pins wheels are very nice, what are they? my car was trailored away on sat for sum heart and lung surgery its going to rip up tarmac when its finnished
The wheels are ATS Cups, they suit the mk1's really well and look mint, but look naff on later models. That is indeed a very nice mk1 Lulu! I disagree that its the best golf though I'm a huge fan on the mk4. Is it a GTi? How many miles has it done in those 23 years I have a mk3, really like it. Won't be keeping it that long though...hopefully around Easter or so next year i'll get a mk4 1.8T or a mk1 Audi A3 1.8T...not too sure which to get yet!!
Eyebrow spolier will be going anyway when i get my new headlights fitted, believe me it looks better with than without at the mo... for the bonnet pins, they had to be fitted as my suspension was stiff and everytime i went over a bump the bonnet opened....they were fitted because they had to be, not because i thought they looked good.... she's not finished yet so i appreciate she looks a bit tatty at the mo
Yes she is a GTi, but she has a 16v lump ....she has a mere 104,000 miles, but the engine has roughly 75,000 miles on it... I would go for an A3 anyday...i want an S3 or an A3 Quattro Sport
I now have some nice coilovers, hence why i am getting rid of bonnet pins as i no longer need them....before i had koni adj's with lowering springs and lowering strut caps making a total lowerage of 75mm....thats why! It was so stiff it cracked the paint in places.... ....micky, i know someone who knows you
i dont think you know him, i think he knows your car more than you....but thats they way he is, he knows people by their cars!
whatever wench..........wate till the uglyducklin is sorted and ul be a mere spot in my rear view mirror:fart:
technically you will be flying past flying past my window after you have broken down and i dont stop picking mine up tomorrow, never drove the thing for over a month costing me £1850 haveing a few choice parts added to the rebuilt motor should be a smidge faster now tho
i can't remember the last time i drove mine in all honesty, about 18month i reckon...i have only just managed to get her back off my dad to get the work done she needed...but will be soon
It most certainly is, is a fast one as well 225bhp standard but is probably running better than that now... he's just testing it now as he's only just finished it....he's not sure whats it's full capabilities are yet, but he raced a cossie the other week and was leaving it for dead at around 130mph....woohoo it's gonna be a mega fast pocket rocket....i am scared to go out in it till he's drove it for a while and even then i'll close my eyes if he goes too fast! ha ha ha
sounds good, bet it torque steers like a fucker tho had a mate with a 220bhp nova turbo had a drive of it and i was struggling to keep the thing in a straight line i compleatly destroyed him on the A1 tho got mine back today, have to keep the revs under 2k for 200 miles and then under 4k for 800miles to run it in managed a max speed of 41mph on the way home up the A1 after picking it up, its killing me