Headphones What phones does everyone use?? Ive just got myself a pair of HD-25's, after having a pair of Sony's for about 5 years. The Sony's were totally shagged towards the end, and on the last couple of times ive played out i have really noticed how fucked they are, struggle to hear them when playing on a big system. After some deliberation went for the HD-25's to replace them, going to take some getting used to though ive used them on odd occasions in the past and found them spot on
anyone tried these yet? WeSC Steve Aoki model... also worn by A-Trak i think These have recently raised their ugly head as well Bling
dear me, this thread again ITS ALL ABOUT THE 700's! i like to take em into college while i'm writing stuff anarl. ultra-sound and nee fucker can hear your listning to it until you take em off, then its panic in the library.
I still swear by the HD25's. Owned a pair for years now and only ever replaced the earcup pads once. Had a pair of HD25SP's before that but I prefer the HD25's for the deeper sound and double headband that you can split and jump round like a nutter without them falling off whilst djing. Personal preference at the end of the day. I think Lintone Gateshead branch (just over the tyne bridge) still have a demo bar with loads of different pairs hanging up where you can try before you buy.