Happy Birthday Mark!!!!! Happy birthday mate...and I call u mate even tho I dont know u cos I hold u personally responsible for how Promise is now.....TOTALLY UNREAL!!! Thank you for givin us NE clubbers something which we have dreamt of for so long!!!!! I am definitely going to buy u whatever drink u like tomor...tonight!!!! Hows about gettin a bottle of blue after-shock in for this special occasion!!! hahahahaha
A huge happpy birthday to you! I will be sure to buy you a happy birfday drink of your choice - just come find me and say, "OI YOU! Promise bird! Drink - NOW!"
Can I do this? (btw does this mean your getting off your lazy arse and coming to promise btich?!?!?!?)
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Maaaarrrrrkkkk! Happy Birthday to YOu! Have a good one! MwA x
oi bitch - I'll put you over my lap and give you a sound spanking too!!!! *getting mad* *anger taking over* (but for the records I wasn't calling her promise btich, I was saying are you coming to promise - bitch)