Hacking for fun Try it and see how far you get..dont worry its all legal. Iam up to level 2,and iam stuck..got the password just cant get the username www.try2hack.nl/levels/level1.html
Had me head battered for a lil while but got there in the end Want a tip or u want to keep @ it for a while ???
ok i've tried loads of different passwords but wot do u mean find the source!! i'm still totally confused
Akk! Not to be soundin harsh like fella but ya gonna struggle if ya cant even view the source.......gets a lot trickier But, for future reference, to view source of webpage, click on View then Source.... Will open up notepad (or summit else if u specified in settings....) This will show ya the html source of the webpage......the password is in there......have a skeg thru and ya'll see it
Nah - you THINK you have the password Hehehehe. Tip: Check Temp Internet Files............................
nahh... think about it..... the object u are entering user/pass into......what is it? thats what u wanna open up to reveal user/pass.............
Not as easy as it looks is it..ive tried using hexedit aswell,but no joy on there like..Suppose if i get the username for the second level,i might be able to crack the 3rd
ya dont need it man open it in notepad....mostly looks like garble...but there is sum plain text level 5 is orrid! tis vb exe! ya gotta decompil;e the exe (with vb3 decompiler..) this gets ya the source....dont look in the form...look in the .bas file..... tis as much as am sayin (cos av not quite finished that'un yet - hahaha!)