girlfriend wanted for Aaron dunnill will take most offers needs to be of the following critera .............. a) not to tall = hes a short arse b) knows the weekend crack = but dosent have to join in but will let her lover do what he wants c) possibe nights of passion only run mon - thurs d) must like trance or not moan when played 24/7 e) must assist with the bed f) not to good looking as he will get a complex g) and you must not be a bunny boiler the old ball and chain wouldnt suit if you feel like you could fit the critera above please go ahead and apply we will keep close look and one of you could be a winner !!! and it aint just for christmas either its for life
this aint proving as popular as first anticipated so me n missy are stepping up the campagin look out for the lonely hearts column in the metro paper
i dotn actually fit the bill im stunnign for one he cant have a loooker he will be under threat and well hes to small for me and he is genrally crap blenky if you chop your legs of you could happily fit the bill