Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Willa, Jan 4, 2010.

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  1. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    Before you work yourself up into a frothing rage of self rightousness here's what they say on their site.

    "It is worth reminding those who are still blinded by the media propaganda that Afghanistan is not a British Town near Wootton Basset but rather Muslim land which no one has the right to occupy, with a Muslim population who do not deserve their innocent men, women and children to be killed for political mileage and for the greedy interests of the oppressive US and UK regimes.

    The procession in Wootton Basset is therefore an attempt to engage the British publics minds on the real reasons why their soldiers are returning home in body bags and the real cost of the war. The conflict in Afghanistan is not an ‘honourable' defence of British values and a cause for the British to remain secure, rather the presence of the US and UK forces in Afghanistan is the cause of instability in the region and a cause of insecurity for the British people back home. The parades, the speeches about soldiers doing their duty and the feeling of patriotism has obfuscated the reality of the conflict and the murderous crimes being committed by the occupiers and their agents. The British public is blissfully unaware of what is being done in their name by the Blair/Brown regimes and were the truth known no doubt the pressure to withdraw all troops immediately would be much greater."

    I think the march is a provocation but I have to agree with what they say. Public opinion is now being softened up for the next military adventure in Yemen where thousands more people will die as a result of the US war machine (helped by us, their poodle) and thousands more converted to the anti western cause. This can only result in more deaths of brave soldiers and more terrorism in the UK.
  4. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Whatever your race or religion or political views are, there should be some moral values and respect for those who died for their country. When it comes down to it , a citizen of this country , should retain an element of "my country, right or wrong", in their political outlook , these insensitive , offensive people would do well to remember that. All they want is publicity, they are being provocative for the sake of it. Why do the government and the police protect these idiots?

    Its unbelievable how much they distort islam for their own purposes.
  5. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Protest should be done at west minister, not wootton basset.
  6. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    The cleric is a Grade A nutjob. He praises suicide bombers and labels our soldiers Nazi's.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFuAO7dZs4A"]YouTube- RADICALS "CONVERTING" A BOY OF 11 - UTTERLY DISGUSTING[/ame]

    Here's the letter he plans to send to all the families of British soldiers.

    LETTER: To the Families of British Soldiers who have died or who are currently in Afghanistan

    DATED 3rd January 2010

    May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon those who follow the guidance.

    Following the public announcement of an impending procession by islam4uk (a branch of Al-Muhajiroun) through the Market Town of Wootton Basset we thought it only appropriate that we provide an explanation and a little more about the purpose behind the procession, especially to the family and friends of those who have died there and who may have been led to believe that it is merely an act of incitement or provocation.

    We begin by inviting all non-Muslims to Islam, the perfect and most beautiful way of life, a favour from Allah (God) to mankind to take him out of the darkness of worshipping his own desires to the exclusive worship, submission and obedience of Allah alone, without partners and to testify the Messenger-ship of the final Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We urge you to embrace Islam and save yourselves and your family from the hellfire and not to believe the lies and distortions which the Western media and non-Islamic regimes would have you believe about Muslims and their true intentions. Islam means submission and the Muslim is the one who submits to the will of God in his life. Verily the Messenger Muhammad told us that whoever heard his name from the Jews and Christians and did not believe would be held accountable for that on the day of judgement.

    We start by pointing out what many wise people already know i.e. that the British public have once again been lied to by their politicians about the war in Afghanistan. What began as a fight for freedom and democracy and to protect the human rights of the civilians and to find Sheikh Usama Bin Laden (by the use of B52 bombers) has today become a campaign to protect the security of the British public back home and it has gone from being a campaign which could be completed without firing a weapon within 3 years to one which could go on for 40 or 50 years with a heavy cost to the participants.

    In actual fact the foreign policy of the USA and UK is not about protecting the rights of Muslims or propagating democracy and freedom nor is it about the threat posed by the people in Afghanistan to the British public at all, but rather it is to establish their own military, economic, strategic and ideological interests in the region. The rich resources of Afghanistan, its position on the cusp between the Indian sub-continent, Southern Russian, Asia and China and its populations call for the Shari'ah are the real reasons why the military has sought to establish a permanent role there, no matter what the cost to the lives and wealth of the indigenous people or indeed their own. Pivotal in this is the desire to prevent Muslims from running their own affairs and establishing an Islamic State if they so wish but rather to maintain a puppet in the area (Mr Karzia) to maintain and protect Western interests.

    In order to create an atmosphere where these greedy objectives can be accomplished the Western and even Eastern media have constantly shown atrocities being committed against the ordinary people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, in markets, universities and public gathering places and have then blamed these on the perceived enemy, in order to discredit any legitimate struggle for liberation and in order to demonise them in the eyes of the world and thereby justify the occupation and real intentions. The truth about such bloodshed and mayhem is only now becoming public knowledge after information about the real perpetrators has emerged (such as the CIA related agency Black Water). The billions of dollars paid to the Pakistan regime by the USA/UK alliance and to the Secret services in Pakistan, their army and to the Karzai Afghan regime by way of bribes has led them to slaughter their own citizens with the help of the USA/UK and to then blame the Taliban in an attempt to subdue those seeking liberation to fulfil their right to run their lives by divine law and to protect the US/UK military and economic interests. With additional atrocities being committed by the USA and UK through indiscriminate air raids and other operations the number of ordinary Muslim men, women and children who have been killed has reached horrendous proportions. Not to mention the torture and abuse of basic rights by the occupiers in Afghanistan, such as in Bagram Air Base, the case of Dr Affia Siddiqui being a clear and brutal example.

    There is no doubt in most people's minds that the final conclusion to the current conflict in Afghanistan has already been written. Ultimate victory for those fighting in their own backyard, familiar with the mountains and plains and their supporters who struggle to protect their sanctities from the foreign aggressors cannot be denied. The signs for this are already appearing with incohesive thinking among the British and American chain of command, the crippling effect of the war on their economies back home and the depression of the soldiers realising that there is no real moral or ethic reason for them to murder innocent men, women and children to fulfil their politicians agenda. Blaming a lack of equipment is one of the ways in which politicians have tried to shift the focus. It is noteworthy that unlike among the US and UK soldiers, there has not been one reported suicide or attempted suicide among those resisting occupation.

    As a consequence this can only mean much more destruction for the USA and UK sons and daughters sent by their uncaring leaders to their deaths. After all this would not be the first time that this region has acted as a grave yard for empires in history, notably the British and Russians.

    It is worth reminding those who are still not blinded by the media propaganda that Afghanistan is not a British Town near Wootton Basset but rather Muslim land which no one has the right to occupy, with a Muslim population who do not deserve their innocent men, women and children to be killed for political mileage and for the greedy interests of the oppressive US and UK regimes.

    The procession in Wootton Basset is therefore an attempt to engage the British publics minds on the real reasons why their soldiers are returning home in body bags and the real cost of the war. The conflict in Afghanistan is not an ‘honourable' defence of British values and a cause for the British to remain secure, rather the presence of the US and UK forces in Afghanistan is the cause of instability in the region and a cause of insecurity for the British people back home. The parades, the speeches about soldiers doing their duty and the feeling of patriotism has obfuscated the reality of the conflict and the murderous crimes being committed by the occupiers and their agents. The British public is blissfully unaware of what is being done in their name by the Blair/Brown regimes and were the truth known no doubt the pressure to withdraw all troops immediately would be much greater.

    It is our desire to end the cycle of violence and the quagmire in which we find ourselves in today in Afghanistan. For the British public to do their duty and force their regime to save their children from death and destruction, from an oppressive and costly campaign and to stop the occupation of Muslim land. We realise that, especially in times of war, we are up against a very sophisticated propaganda machine and no doubt raising awareness about the painful truth of this conflict will unleash a torrent of abuse from the media and government against us, who have their own predetermined agenda, however the world is today also small enough for those wishing to verify the truth to be able to do so via the many news and information outlets.

    Mr Anjem Choudary

    UK Head of Al-Muhajiroun

    Total ignorant tool:down:
  7. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    He has a point, but I imagine this has seen far too much negative press attention for any objectivity. If you look on the facebook group against this march there's already far too many people posting up "PAKIS GO HOME" and "if you don't like it fuk off back home" etc.

    At the end of the day Willa, our soldiers fight to protect a land and its ideals (our country and our ideals). One of these the right (or privilege) for all to express their opinion, even if we don't agree with it. As has been quoted so many times before: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    I don't agree with the way this has been handled by all sides, but Choudary has a point. Thousands of innocent civilians have died in both Afghanistan and Iraq. None of these people have picked up a weapon, or made an improvised explosive, or killed a British or Iraqi/Afghan soldier. None of these people were against us or our way of life. The majority of them were either in the wrong place at the wrong time, or on the receiving end of indiscriminate attacks by the western armies or local militias.

    Despite what the media makes out, war is not a clean business. There are no weapons that can eliminate only the bad guys and leave the good ones standing. In any war, the civilian population of a country always comes off worse in terms of loss of life.

    Be thankful this war isn't being fought here. If it was, you'd be seeing ten or twenty dead people for every dead soldier. If just one of those was one of your relatives or someone you cared about, imagine how you'd feel.
  8. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    my country right or wrong is an idiotic creed. should the germans all have supported the holocaust?
    the majority of people in this country were and are against this stupid brutal american war. our leaders take no notice and continue to send brave men to their deaths for no good end. I think it is the duty of all of us to oppose this war at every opportunity and try to end it.
    This guy seems like an extremist and I think marching through wooten basset is counter productive and stupid in the extreme.
    I agree with most of the contents of that letter where it talks about the war and that continuing it gives the extremists the best recruiting tool they could wish for.
  9. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    what makes me laugh is the fact they never seem to acknowledge the fact their holy moslem brothers are blowing themselves up in shopping centres killing their other moslem brothers. i dont want that choudary fella to be extradited i want him to be executed for treason.
  10. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    Nail - Head :up:
  11. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    One thing that really is disgraceful - this:


    If you want to make a difference, make sure you vote this year.
  12. Chris S

    Chris S Monkey Tennis?

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Vote for who this year?
  13. hummel

    hummel Fucking imbecile

    Jul 20, 2002
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    Whoever promises a browner britain!
  14. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    exactly! :lol:
  15. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    The EDL gets these sorts of gigs knocked back all the time, same thing should happen with this crowd & there stroll.

    Sorry I thought this crowds were fascists but they mustn't be as they dont get mentioned on the UAF site http://www.uaf.org.uk/
  16. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
    Likes Received:
    hurtling towards nirvana
    that's a bit disingenuous since a serving soldier has all his housing and food costs met and the biggest component of someone living on benefits is housing benefit. so it's not a true comparison.
    Also it implies that anyone with a big beard is living on benefits which is not so.

    Things like this table are what stoke racial prejudice.
  17. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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  18. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    how can these fucking hadgies claim benifts anyway? to claim income support dont you need to be looking for work and prove it?

    Do they turn up for jobs as bin men in their bed sheets and beards?

    Whats their 3 choices of jobs?

    1) Goat Hearder
    2) Hate Preacher
    3) Small Electronics

    Today its emerged the xmas day plane bomber was recruited by AL QUAEDIA in London ffs.

    This country is a active recruiting ground for terrorists and a haven for these pre jesus nut jobs
  19. Dynamix Heavy Weight

    Dynamix Heavy Weight

    Nov 22, 2009
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    they are off their fuckin heads.

    I agree the war is a complete and utter disgrace, and both our brave and their innocent are having bare libertys taken on them, but the proocession is going to do nothing but fuel race war on both side's.

    I support their cause to a degree, I'd kick right off if someone was in my country taking lib's, but they go about it the wrong way.

    Nothing good will come of this, but people are aloud to express their veiws.

    picard giff is well needed.

  20. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Mate THEY are in YOUR COUNTRY claiming benifits and TAKE LIB'S

    And you like most other do FUCK ALL
  21. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    You're forgetting this guy was born here and has lived here his entire life?

    Pike, your racism is getting boring. You can put your point across without calling people "hadgies" and "goat herders". Everyone else in this thread has managed to do so.

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